
RAPHAEL - Education

Since autumn 2010, Raphael completes his regular trainings no longer with valeina dance studios.

In order to bring his education (school, piano , vocal training , dance) in his time line and focus on his artistic motivation to implement, Raphael moved to this step. Even for the championships of 2010 Raphael has already done hundreds of hours for training under self direction. He  wrote the choreography for his dance by himself, which led him to the title "world dance champion".
Raphael finds support in the future through the Association for promotion of talents "Dance Company".

2010-.... Dance Company Talentförderungsverein
Klassisches Ballett,
Jazz Dance,
Step/Tap Dance
Modern Dance
individuelle Trainer, Selbststudium

2001-2010 Ballettschule Valeina Dance
Klassisches Ballett (2001-10),
Jazz Dance (2002-10),
Step/Tap Dance (2006-10)
HipHop (2007-09) ,
Modern Dance (2009-10)

Landesmusikschule Lienz Schlagwerk/Percussion (Michael Kapfinger)
2011-2013 Landesmusikschule Lienz Schlagwerk/Percussion (Markus Wendlinger)
2011-.... Landesmusikschule Lienz Klavier (Mag. Florian Weiler)
2008-.... Landesmusikschule Lienz Gesang (Irmgard Platter-Lang)
2005-2011 Landesmusikschule Lienz Klavier (Lisi Moser)
2001-2004 Landesmusikschule Lienz Musik. Früherziehung (Gitti Wilhelmer)
Bundesgymnasium Lienz
Dir. HR Dr. Ursula Strobl, Prof. OStr. Mag. Maria Grabner
2008-2012 Bundesgymnasium Lienz Dir. HR Dr. Ursula Strobl, Prof. Mag. Mathilde Habernig
2004-2008 Volksschule Lavant Dir. Walter Schneider, Barbara Schultz