

With wit and sophistication the professional presenter Harald Wieser introduces the next player on the stage. He lets the audience guess what Raphael Rojko can do particularly well. "... And because he is the best in it, he is also the world champion ...". The audience is curious about the performance.  Immediately after Raphael started to dance, he entertains the audience so much that the viewers are going immediately enthusiastic. The audience acknowledges with loud applause Raphaels show. "Wow! Is it not cool ...? A great art! Raphael can really something!" said the moderator. When the audience learns that Raphael did the choreography by himself, there is an extra round of applause. Behind the stage there's congratulations. For example, the former Mr. Austria, who said he had studied for a fashion show itself once a tap performance.

The microphone for the taps.
Moderator Harald Wieser präsentiert Raphael